
We are a single-issue, volunteer-driven organization, opposing the expansion of gambling since 1993.

Our extensive research and the help of thousands of volunteers statewide have enabled us to successfully prevent most of the efforts to expand gambling in Missouri. We have prevented race tracks, kiddie slots, video slot machines in bars, convenience stores, and fraternal organizations, and high stakes electronic bingo in our state. Since 1995, we have worked each year to ensure that casinos fail in their attempt to remove the $500 loss limit. We are the only place in the world with this loss limit protection for families.

We maintain a comprehensive gambling research library, which we update daily, of over 200,000 newspaper and magazine articles, books, audio and video tapes, and medical and academic studies. Other states and nations have used our information in their own opposition to gambling expansion.

We lobby at the state and federal level, we testify in hearings, we produce and distribute informational literature, and we assist communities and legislators in their work against gambling expansion. The national recognition we have gained over the years has given us a platform from which we strive to bring more understanding of gambling’s great dangers. Our leaders have been featured in many national newspapers, television and radio programs, as well as in all Missouri media.

We will continue exposing the dark side of gambling. Please join us in our efforts. Much of our research is available on our website, with more being added continually. You can contact us by phone or email or join our email list or visit our “Take Action” page to see what you can do today.


Mission Statement

…exposing the dark side of gambling…


Our mission is to stop gambling expansion, help the victims, and equip others.

Stop Gambling Expansion
The economic and social costs of gambling result in a net loss for states, communities, and families. We are working to prevent gambling expansion and to reduce and limit the most addictive elements of gambling.

Help the Victims
Gambling destroys businesses, divides communities, and tears families apart. Children and the elderly are often the unseen, innocent victims. We are working to generate a well-funded treatment program for the addicted and their families; to promote and pass laws which will protect families from losing their homes; and to provide information that will help those caught in the dark cycle of gambling addiction.

Equip Others
Thorough research and unbiased information provide a solid foundation for successful efforts against gambling expansion. We are working to maintain and update our comprehensive gambling library; to provide a speakers bureau for groups and organizations needing more information; and to educate through media interviews and information distribution.